# DB DiaYAML - A simple way to plan database schemas # # Draw database diagrams using GraphViz / DOT from a very simple YAML file. # # See sample file below! person: # A Table name: # A Field address: line1: line2: person: # Link adds a foreign key (missing field implies `id`, will be added if not already existing!) link: person order: address: address # Shorter version of a foreign key pizzas!: beers!: more beers!: a: letter: links: # You can use links to get multiple links instead of just one - target: person.name # A foreign key to a specific field diaprops: # Any GraphViz/Dot property allowed in here however no escaping is done within diaprops, so be careful! color: red style: dashed label: <&nbsp;this is<font color="blue"><b> very </b>different</font>> # Special HTML string (plain text possible) arrowhead: open arrowtail: vee - business business: id: has_address: address.id # Developed by [Forbesmyester](http://keyboardwritescode.blogspot.co.uk/). # Blogged about [at Blogger](http://keyboardwritescode.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/weekend-project-db-diayaml.html). # Hosted at [GitHub](https://github.com/forbesmyester/db-diayaml).